Bordspellen en Scale75 verf

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Vaste prijzen, pakketprijzen zijn bespreekbaar. Ophalen kan in Antwerpen, verzending is ook mogelijk. Alle spellen zijn in perfecte staat tenzij anders vermeld. Nis = nieuw in plastic.

Fixed prices. Package deals are negotiable. Shipping from Belgium. Pickup is possible in Antwerp. All games are in perfect condition, unless stated otherwise. NIS = new in shrink-wrap

Etherfields (English – New) - €450 (kan eventueel opgesplitst worden)
- Core box met Fancy But Functional wooden insert [Sundrop]
- Funeral witch campaign [Sundrop]
- Creatures of Etherfields miniatures expansion [Sundrop]
- 5th player expansion [Sundrop]
- Sphinx Campaign [Sundrop]
- All unlocked stretch goals
- Alternative advanced heroes [non-sundrop]
- Thorn Knight
- 4 metal keys
- Deck of playing cards
- Playmat
- Kittenburg Promo
- Version 2.0 updated rules

Frostpunk (English – As new) - €195
- Deluxe pledge
- Resources
- Dreadnaught
- Playmat

Great Wall (Miniature version, 2nd Print EN - nis)
- Dragon Pledge (= core box + stretch goals box) - €140 (non-sundrop)
- Gameplay Bundle (= core box + stretch goals + Ancient Beasts + Black Powder) + Iron Dragon - €225 (non-sundrop)
- Ancient Beasts Expansion - €40 Sundrop
- Iron Dragon - €12 regular / €17 Sundrop

- Stretch goals box ( 1st print EN/meeple version - nis) - €25

ISS Vanguard (EN – nis)
- Core Pledge (Core box + all stretch goals) - €140 non-sundrop / €155 sundrop
- Dreadnaught Pledge (Core box + all stretch goals + Personnel files + Close encounters + Deadly Frontier) - €299
- Dice Tower - €15
- Poster bundle - €10

Kingdom Death: Monster (EN – nis)
- Gambler’s Chest Expansion €350
- Dragon King Expansion - €170
- Dung Beetle Knight Expansion - €85
- Gorm Expansion - €90
- Green Knight Armor Expansion - €35
- Lion God Expansion - €70
- Spidicules Expansion - €125
- Sunstalker Expansion - €125
- Vignettes of Death: Gigalion - €95
- heel wat white boxes en andere limited releases zijn ook beschikbaar

Lords of Ragnarok (EN – nis)
- Core pledge (core box + stretch goals box) + Valkyrie - €115
- Gameplay all-in pledge + Valkyrie - €175
- Gameplay all-in pledge + Valkyrie (Sundrop) - €215
- Monster Variety Pack (Sundrop) - €40
- Playmat - €40
- Sleeves - €20

Marvel: Zombies (EN – nis)
- Artist’s special editions set - €35
- Extra Hydra Troops - €30

Oathsworn (EN – Nieuw)
- Armory box - €40
- Art book - €25
- Map pack - €15
- Secret box 1e campagne - €20
- Secret box 2e campagne - €20

Tainted Grail King’s Pledge (EN – nis) - €200 non-sundrop / €250 sundrop
- Core box
- Age of Legends & Last Knight (= stretch goals box)
- Monsters of Avalon
- Echoes of the Past
- Red Death
- Surprise box

Tainted Grail add-ons:
- Almanac of Avalon (EN - as new) - €10
- Niamh - €15 regular / €20 Sundrop
- Playmat - €40
- Monsters of Avalon: Past & Future Alternative encounters card pack - €5
- Red Death - €40 regular / €50 Sundrop
- Echoes of the Past - €20

Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition (EN – nis)
- Ares Expedition Metal Resource Cubes - €40
- Player mat (EN - nis) - €5 (multiple mats available)

Assorted games, expansions and others:
- 7th Continent: Swamp of Madness (EN - new) - €40
- 20 Strong: all-in pledge (EN - nis) - €70
- Ancient Terrible Things + Lost Charter uitbreiding (EN - as new) - €29
- Arkham Horror: Laserox the Cthulhu collection acrylic tokens (new) – €20
- Arkham Ritual (EN - as new) - €5
- Assassin’s Creed: Tokyo XXI expansion (EN - new) - €45
- Autobahn Kickstarter Edition (EN - nis) - €55
- Bantam West: Governor’s Pledge + dead settler’s map (EN – nis) - €175
- Bantam West: Dead settler’s map (EN – new) - €10
- Battlelands (EN - as new) - €8
- Cat tower (EN - as new) - €10
- Celestial Genesis: Lei (new) – €5
- Charterstone (EN - as new, one campaign played, you can play another one at the back of the board) - €15
- Cluedo game of thrones (EN - as new) - €15
- Dice Throne: Neoprene Playmat (Minimalist - new) - €19
- Eleven (Gamefound edition + all five expansions, EN – NIS) - €120
- Fairy Tile (EN – as new) - €10
- Gentes (NL/FR/DE/EN – nis) - €15
- Gloomhaven/Frosthaven: Fancy But Functional 2x wooden player boards (new) – €40
- Gloomhaven/Frosthaven: Laserox wooden element tracker (new) – €10
- Greenland + Neanderthal + player board (EN - new) - €60
- Iron Spades - deck of cards by Roxley Games (NIS) - €9 per deck, 5 decks available
- Isofarian Guard complete sleeve pack (NIS) - €25
- ISS Vanguard Art Book (EN - NIS) - €10
- Kartel (multi - as new) - €9
- Museum Rush (EN - as new) - €10
- Nova Aetas: Renaissance Core box (incl. all stretch goals) + Hyperion + Mediceo (EN – new) - €190
- Scarface 1920 Sleeve kings bundle pack: 190pcs 65x100mm / 75pcs 70x70mm / 25pcs 41x63mm (nis) – €20
- Terraforming Mars: Dice game incl. KS promo pack (EN – nis) - €45
- Too Many Bones: Riffle expansion (EN - nis) - €45
- Western Legends: Hardcover rulebook (EN - nis) - €20

---Scale75 miniature paint---
- Instant Colors: complete set of 48 colours + 3 primers + medium (new) - €90
- Minipedia (EN - nis) - €80
- Scalecolor Artist Luxury Collection (new) - €195
- Scalecolor Colorforge set (new) - €140
Numéro de l'annonce: m2098861801